Friday, January 9, 2015

10 Beer PB; and 2015 Event Goals

You've got to have goals.

Life Goals, Athletic Goals even goals of things you want to do to your house (so I've been told)

My wife and I like goals, personally I like a good list! A to do list, but not one that's put in a draw one that's on the bench top and crossing things off.

So as the clock ticked over into 2015 I started thinking
a) How the hell am I going to perform at Parkrun in the morning after 10 beers *
b) What can I achieve as a Parent-Athlete

So I started drafting up a few ideas, and I always find myself adding and subtracting to this list as the year goes along.

I've got the new born arriving in March Little Mr or Miss will no doubt will keep me off the training track for a short spurt and I have to keep in mind my wife also wanting to get her running back on track.

I have one more event coming up at Elwood Beach and then I'm finished for the year (that and the odd bit of rugby training, yes I'm attempting to play at least 1 game this year). Its been a good start I would have completed 2 Triathlons and Dualathlon and cycling mountain climb event - but I want more!

So here it is.
  • 10km Pram Push at Run Melbourne (Jul)
  • Compete in Tri-Vic Dualathlon Series (4 Races Aug-Oct)
  • Melbourne Half Marathon (Oct, my wife's come back race)
  • Domestique Lake Mountain Ride Event (Nov)
  • Gatorade Triathlon Series (5 Races Dec - March)
Added to these events I'd like a few little personal fitness attempts.
  • Ride 100km in a day
  • Attend Parkrun regularly (I can be a little lazy at 8am on a Saturday morning)
  • Complete a double and triple lap of Parkrun one morning
  • Run my own marathon, on a road, on my own.(mainly as I can't afford to pay $90 for the privilege of a closed road)
Now it starts I've put it in writing and signed up for it - it won't be easy to squeeze in the training runs so I've got to be smart with my plan, riding to work helps and running with the wife will certainly help. It's all about planning preparing.

I'm looking forward to the journey, the kid being there and setting a good healthy life example to little human who won't really care so long as I wipe its butt and feed it. (its the thought that counts, and the photos on instagram)

* For those wanting to know, after consuming 10+ beers the night before I went to Parkrun on what was a warm morning in and around the 25C mark and ran a PB! 22:18 .... new training plan, smash 10 beers with your buddy, stay up till 1am talking with pregnant wife brings success!!!

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